Past Events
2014-10-17 - 2014-10-19 China Grandfather Training -
2014-10-10 - 2014-10-11 Hong Kong and Macau Grandfather Training -
2014-07-04 - 2014-07-05 Macau Training Workshop -
2014-04-24 The First International Certified Addiction Counselor Grandfather Training http://news.xinhuanet.com/culture/2014-04/15/c_126393629.htm
2014-04-14 - 2014-04-16 The First China Grandfather Period Training Course - Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor The first China Grandfather Period Training Course - Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor was succesfully held in Beijing from 14th to 16th April 2014.
2014-02-21 - 2014-03-01 Hong Kong & Macau Grandfather Period Training Course – Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor 3-day training : Feburary 21, 22 & March 1, 2014
Deadline for application has been extended to February 4, 2014
Fees: Application HK$100.00
Trainings HK$8,000.00
Examination & Application for CADC HK$1,000.00
Download: Time Table Application form Checklist of the application
2013-11-30 Graduation Ceremony for CADC 2013 Venue : SCOPE Seminar Room (UR3), 8/F, United Centre, Admiralty
Time : 2:30pm – 4:30pm -
2013-11-01 Condolence to Dr. David J. Powell, Ph.D. We were deeply saddened by the news of Dr. David Powell’s passing in November 1st of 2013. David was a wise elder, a good mentor, a trusted friend and a honor advisor to our Board. In our hearts, he is always alive, full of passion and compassion.
We understood the enormous contributions David had made in supporting and caring for alcohol addicts in China, Hong Kong and all over the world. In 1979, David led a team of alcoholism experts to visit psychiatric hospitals and related medical organizations in Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha, and Guangzhou. In the next 30 years, David formed a very close relationship with China. He started exchanges with the Psychiatric Association via regular mails and research programs, and he frequently visited China in his own expenses to conduct seminars. Under the supervision and support from David, organizations and research facilities on alcoholism were established. David was also pivotal in starting Alcoholics Anonymous in China. In January of 2011, David came to Hong Kong and conducted a supervisor training for us through our Board.
The passing of David is a huge loss to us, to the addiction field in China, Hong Kong, and other Asian countries and in the whole world. With loving memories, great respect and gratitude, we shall carry David’s spirit and passion to continue his work in helping more people in need.
Although David is not with us physically, we firmly believe in his timeless presence and he is always alive in us.
May David rest in peace. May his fond memories and our condolences bring comfort to his family in this time of sorrow.
2013-01-25 - 2013-02-01 Grandfather Period Training Course-Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor for 16 Macau candidates.
2013-01-12 - 2013-01-19 Grandfather Period Training Course-Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor for 11 Hong Kong candidates
2012-06-06 2nd AGM / Symposium "A combination of Medication and Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Enhancing Better Outcomes" Speakers : Honorary Clinical Professor Char-Nie Chen OBE, J.P.
Mr. Marshall Rosier, Executive Director, Connecticut Certification Board
2011-07-09 項目 : 明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學家長講座 "至「潮」父母" 主題 : 1) 講解有關作為現代父母的要訣
2) 明白兩代溝通的技巧
3) 如何預防摃少年沉迷毒品對象 : 家長 -
2011-06-30 項目 : 健生教室: 青少年健康教育計劃 主題 : 無「毒」靠你- 協助青少年抗拒毒品誘惑 之 危機四伏 對象 : 教育工作者、社會工作者及有興趣人士 -
2011-06-27 項目 : 健生教室: 青少年健康教育計劃 主題 : 無「毒」靠你- 協助青少年抗拒毒品誘惑 之 無毒成長 對象 : 教育工作者、社會工作者及有興趣人士 -
2011-06-01 項目 : 五旬節靳茂生小學家長講座 "至「潮」父母" 主題 : 1) 講解有關作為現代父母的要訣
2) 明白兩代溝通的技巧
3) 如何預防摃少年沉迷毒品對象 : 家長 -
2011-05-24 項目 : 東華三院馬錦燦紀念小學家長講座 "至「潮」父母" 主題 : 1) 講解有關作為現代父母的要訣
2) 明白兩代溝通的技巧
3) 如何預防摃少年沉迷毒品對象 : 家長 -
2011-05-11 項目 : 基督教粉嶺神召會小學家長講座 主題 : "「健」新家庭"
1) 辨識精神壓力的來源
2) 了解父母的壓力對管教子女的影響
3) 協助子女向毒品說「不」對象 : 家長 -
2011-04-07 項目 : 李志達紀念學校家長講座 主題 : 「如何使孩子無毒成長」 對象 : 家長 -
2011-01-27 - 2011-01-30 A Training Workshop on Roles of a Clinical Supervisor For Addictive Counseling The aim of this workshop is to provide training on the roles of a clinical supervisor for addictive counseling.
Target Participants : Psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, social workers, and related professionals Trainer : Dr. David Powell
Dr. David Powell is an internationally recognized author and lecturer and has spoken in 50 U.S. states and visited over 80 nations. He has published 9 books in the health field. His texts on clinical supervision are the standard books in the field. Learn more about Dr. Powell at the following website:www.ichc-us.org
2010-11-27 項目 : 戒癮專業兩天培訓課程 主辦機構 : 防治及處理學童吸毒行為的技巧和能力培訓課程 對象 : 新界北區教師、社工、教會人士、朋輩輔導員及其他相關人士 -
2010-11-20 項目 : 戒癮專業兩天培訓課程 主辦機構 : 防治及處理學童吸毒行為的技巧和能力培訓課程 對象 : 新界北區教師、社工、教會人士、朋輩輔導員及其他相關人士 -
2010-09-07 項目 : Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School Teachers Talk Topic : "Dealing with teens - Techniques for Recognizing substance users workshop" Participants : Teachers -
2010-08-12 項目 : 四地傑出社工學生研討會2010 主辦機構 : 香港社會工作人員協會 對象 : 內地、台灣、澳門及香港的社工學生 -
2010-06-27 項目 : 「毒」來「毒」往藥物濫用講座 主辦機構: 香港單親協會 -
2010-03-31 項目 : Pentecostal Yu Leung Fat Primary School Parents Talk Topic : "High" or "Die" Participants : Parents -
2010-03-12 項目 : Lee Chi Tat Memorial School Teachers Workshop Topic : "Dealing with teens - Techniques for Recognizing substance users workshop" Participants : Teachers -
2010-01-30 主辦機構 : 九龍醫院 主題 : 不藥Teen使講座 -
2010-01-21 項目 : Fanling Government Primary School Parents Talk Topic : "High" or "Die" Participants : Parents
2009-12-19 項目 : CRHR Staff Training Session Topic : "Basic knowledge of drug abuse counseling" Participants : Centre's social workers -
2009-12-05 項目 : Centre for Restoration of Human Relationships (CRHR) "Start Talking before Youths Using" Briefing Seminar Topic : "How to build a healthy school" Participants : Participating school teachers / social workers -
2009-12-04 項目 : 幫助學生拒絕吸食危害精神毒品研討會 主辦機構 : 香港賽馬會藥物資訊天地 -
2009-11-19 項目 : Macau Methodist Family Service Centre, Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Staff Training Session Topic : "Working with clients with Mental Health or emotional problems" Participants : Centre's social workers/counselors -
2009-11-14 項目 : 全港青少年禁毒運動座談會 主辦機構 : 九龍城區撲滅罪行委員會,九龍城民政事務處,明愛九龍社區中心,基督教協基會黃埔綜合青少年服務中心 對象 : 區內中學生、家長、老師及社工 -
2009-10-22 項目 : 跨專業講座: 如何為迷姦受害人提供卓越的服務實踐 主辦機構 : 關注婦女性暴力協會