- Mr. John Barlow, M.Ed., LPC, LCSW, AAC
Coordinator, Addiction Studies Program, MSCC, UCA
- Professor Cecilia Lai Wan Chan, Ph.D., R.S.W., J.P.
Professor, The University of Hong Kong
- Emeritus Professor Professor Chen Char Nie, OBE, J.P, FRCPsych, FRANZCP, FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych, DPM
Specialist in Psychiatry
- Dr. Kin Leung Ben Cheung, MH
Specialist in Psychiatry
- Dr. Choi Yuen Wan, M.D., J.P.
Honorary General Secretary, Breakthrough
- Marc Fishman, MD
Assistant Professor of psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Medical Director, Maryland Treatment Centers - Dr. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP
Former Secretary Food and Health Bureau
- Ms. Mary Jo Mather
Executive Director, International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC)
- Dr. David J. Powell, Ph.D. (March 22, 1945 - November 1, 2013)
President, International Center for Health Concerns, Inc.
- Mr. Marshall Rosier, MS, CAC, CCDP-D, MATS, LADC
Executive Director, Connecticut Certification Board, Inc.
- Professor Yip Kam-shing, Ph.D., R.S.W
Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
* In alphabetical order of last name