Latest News
The association will from time to time release the activity or news in relation to seminar, training or development on credentials, so do keep in touch with us or watch out.
Latest events
2021-12-04 Hong Kong Association of Professionals Specializing In Addiction Counseling (HKAPSAC) and Hong Kong Association for the Promotion of Mental Health (HKAPMH) will conduct A Professional Symposium: The Impacts of Prolonged Social Isolation on Adolescents and Caregivers Seeking Medical and Professional Services, to Resolve the Distresses of Addiction and Addictive Behavior Problems. The symposium will be held on 4 December 2021 (Sat), 9:00am -12:00noon in Room 103, 1/F., the Hong Kong Council of Social Services. The Deadline of Enrollment of Professional Symposium: 26 November 2021. Please see the attached program contents and enrollment form.
2021-09-18 Open Examination of CADC conducted in PRC, Macau and Hong Kong was planning in progress, and the date of examination would be announced subject to the situation of the spread control of epidemic -
2021-04-19 Dr KO Wing Man, GBS, JP, former Secretary Food and Health Bureau accepted our Board of Directors’ invitation to be one of advisors in HKAPSAC -
2020-06-22 Dr Victor LUI Wing Cheong, Specialist in Psychiatry accepted our Board of Directors’ invitation to be one of professional committee members in HKAPSAC Dr Ronnie Sze Yuan PAO, Specialist in Psychiatry accepted our Board of Directors’ invitation to be one of professional committee members in HKAPSAC
Renewal of CADC membership was completed on 23 October 2020
2018-01-26 - 2018-01-28 Grandfather Period Training Course and Examination Certified Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor (CADC) held on 26th-28th January 2018 in Shenzhen, China
2016-04-18 Announcement on 18th April 2016 For those who are planning to do the renewal but yet not getting the CE yet, in regard the newly established membership system, the HKAPSAC has given a permission to recertify his/her CADC’s License. The duration of application is started from 1 May 2016 to October 2016, the date of expire for the renewal of CADC is set on 31 December 2018.
2015-04-23 University of Central Arkansas Meeting Date: 23 April 2015
2015-04-21 - 2015-04-22 IC&RC Conference Meeting Date: 21 April 2015 - 22 April 2015
2015-03-27 - 2016-11-30 HKAPSAC Addictions Training Annual Workshop Date: April 2015 - November 2016
Please download for details.
2015-01-18 China Grandfather Training Ceremory